
Each State's Most-Searched Phobias Will Definitely Spook You

Everybody is afraid of something. Whether you're afraid of the dark or of heights, it's totally normal to have an irrational-fear of something. What's interesting, though, is how some state's seem to be more afraid of certain things than other states. Holes, for example, are a top irrational fear for more states than you can imagine. Seriously. People are really afraid of holes. It's a thing.

Your Local Security took the time to figure out what each state is afraid of most. To find each stateโ€™s most-searched phobia, the YLS team analyzed search volume for nearly 40 different โ€œfear ofโ€ terms, focusing on the top 15. Then they pooled Google Trends data from August 2018 to August 2019 to determine the top phobia in each state. Here's what they found:

Alabama: Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

Alaska: Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia)

Arizona: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Arkansas: Fear of People (Agoraphobia)

California: Fear of Failure (Atychiphobia)

Colorado: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Connecticut: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Delaware: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

District of Columbia: Fear of Commitment (Gamophobia)

Florida: Fear of Snakes (Ophidiophobia)

Georgia: Fear of Snakes (Ophidiophobia)

Hawaii: Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)

Idaho: Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia)

Illinois: Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

Indiana: Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)

Iowa: Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

Kansas: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Kentucky: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Louisiana: Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

Maine: Fear of the Dark (Nyctophobia)

Maryland: Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)

Massachusetts: Fear of Failure (Atychiphobia)

Michigan: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Minnesota: Fear of Water (Aquaphobia)

Mississippi: Fear of People (Agoraphobia)

Missouri: Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)

Montana: Fear of Flying (Aviophobia)

Nebraska: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

Nevada: Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)

New Hampshire: Fear of Flying (Aviophobia)

New Jersey: Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

New Mexico: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

New York: Fear of Public Speaking (Glossophobia)

North Carolina: Fear of Water (Aquaphobia)

North Dakota: Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia)

Ohio: Fear of Blood (Hemophobia)

Oklahoma: Fear of Water (Aquaphobia)

Oregon: Fear of Water (Aquaphobia)

Pennsylvania: Fear of Failure (Atychiphobia)

Rhode Island: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

South Carolina: Fear of Holes (Trypophobia)

South Dakota: Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia)

Tennessee: Fear of Being Alone (Autophobia)

Texas: Fear of Snakes (Ophidiophobia)

Utah: Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

Vermont: Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia)

Virginia: Fear of Blood (Hemophobia)

Washington: Fear of Spiders (Arachnophobia)

West Virginia: Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia)

Wisconsin: Fear of Water (Aquaphobia)

Wyoming: Fear of Flying (Aviophobia)

Like we said, a lot of people are afraid of holes. What's your biggest irrational fear - does it match up with your state?

Photo: YourLocalSecurity.com

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